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When you start getting busy with work deadlines and assignments, it isn’t easy to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It is essential to understand that the only way to stay productive and organized is by caring for your overall health. When you notice yourself drifting away from healthy habits, it is a sign to step back […]

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For students, October and November are when assignments, projects and midterms pile up—leading to high peaks of stress and time management.  During this time, it’s essential to consider strategies to overcome mid-semester anxiety. Everyone manages stress differently, but following these three steps will help you head in the right direction.  Organize Your Day-to-Day Schedule This […]

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Initially, many new grads struggle with confidence when entering the workforce. Transitioning from studying to working is a massive change, and it takes time to feel comfortable in your new role.  Therefore, we have compiled a few useful strategies you can implement to boost your confidence and help you succeed.  Don’t let low self-confidence hold […]

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The spookiest thing that can happen in October is dealing with ghosting by a potential employer. It’s worse than just scary—it can also demoralize and confuse you about what went wrong.  Ready to improve your application and bounce back after getting ghosted? Check out these tips! The Worst Kind of Ghost Let’s start with an […]

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Group projects may have been fun with friends for K-12 years, but they can get chaotic in the post-secondary world. Finding a balance between the task and group members can become  battle with busy schedules and differing attitudes. Here’s how to manage the stress of group projects and set yourself up for success. Picking Your […]

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As an introvert, you might be worried that your shyness will keep you from advancing at work. These tips will help you succeed and get your opinions heard! Make Your Point (Ahead of Time) If you struggle with speaking up at meetings, give yourself a few minutes before to plan. Ask yourself, What topics are […]

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Are you considering launching a career as a freelance writer? Freelance writing offers flexible opportunities for students and employees seeking extra income, allowing you to choose assignments and topics. Building relationships, getting published, and earning from your passion requires time and experience. While it demands effort, these tips can help kickstart your side hustle journey […]

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Thanksgiving isn’t a one-size-fits-all gratitude solution. What if you’re finding it hard to feel thankful? That’s perfectly normal!  Here are some tips to help you feel better at Thanksgiving, even if you don’t feel so thankful. Make Peace with Your Emotions You might be plagued by a lingering feeling that you “should” be grateful, especially […]

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Interested in changing up your self-care routine? Consider taking up a creative hobby, such as art. Engaging in art as a hobby can significantly reduce stress and improve mental health. Creative activities also have a social aspect, which can help combat feelings of isolation and loneliness. Additionally, artistic pursuits provide an outlet for expressing emotions […]

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Job hunting can be discouraging, and not just for new grads. Remember, you’re not alone if you struggle to keep a positive mindset while job hunting. Plenty of people of all ages are struggling in this day and age, so it is always important to recognize negativity and self-doubt. Here are five ways to keep […]

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Have you ever felt self-doubt at work? How about not belonging at work? It’s common to experience these signs of imposter syndrome, which can be frustrating and uncomfortable, especially if you are starting a new job and don’t have as much experience or are faced with a difficult task.  However, research shows that up to […]

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Front-end perfectionism makes it difficult to start a task for fear that you won’t be able to do it “perfectly.” It is often associated with an intense fear of criticism and can result in feelings of failure and shame. If the fear of not being perfect for your next job is holding you back – […]