TalentEgg has thousands of resources to help you hatch your career. Learn how to write a resumé for your dream job, research career prospects in your industry, and much more with our insightful articles and videos.
If you have already completed a diploma or degree, but don’t know what to do next, here are some interesting post-graduate college programs in Ontario that you might want to consider.
Depending on your interests, there are positions within the retail industry for students and recent grads in everything from fashion to business to marketing to interior decorating (store design) to industrial engineering (manufacturing) and more!
Work experience is up there with your GMAT scores and undergrad GPA in terms of importance for entrance requirements. Without the required full-time work experience, some schools will not even consider the application
Marketing consists of several different career possibilities: advertising, public relations, brand management and market research, to name just a few of the big ones. It’s not as important to know what particular path you will end up following but instead knowing if marketing as a whole is the right fit for you.
Examining how much students drink and which province parties the hardest. An Edmonton bar pays students $20 just to show up. University professors try to spice up yawn-worthy course titles to get more students to enrol.
In an internship or entry-level position, the employer never expects you to know everything about the position. Even though you may not have the exact experience the employer is looking for, you have more than likely developed the more intangible skills needed to excel in a new position.
How do you know if you’ve made the right decision? You were offered the job, accepted it excitedly– albeit, maybe a little too hastily – and now, a couple of weeks in, you’re unsure about your decision. Maybe it’s been longer, but the same feeling of indecision remains. Should you stay, or should you go?
In Malaysia, ‘selling’ oneself is akin to boasting and seen as almost a taboo. Since modesty is an expected virtue, self-promotion is done in a more subtle and indirect manner, chiefly through the resumé. Meanwhile, here in Canada, candidates are expected to feel confident ‘selling’ themselves to employers.